Conférences et méditation avec Jakub Kadlec à Paris
ProgrammeFriday, 2nd december 7.30pm :lecture and meditation on the 16th Karmapa.About: Lama/student relationshipsSaturday, 3rd december 7.30pm:lecture and meditation on the 16th Karmapa.About: the role of the sanghaSunday, 4th december 2 pm:lecture and meditation on the 16th Karmapa.About: enlightened attitudeBiographyJakub Kadlec took Buddhist refuge in 1994 with Lama Ole. He had the honour to translate Lama Ole in Czech Republic
Lama Ole asked him to teach in year 2000. He is member of board of Diamond Way organisation since 1998. He is a project manager (by building industry) by profession and a poet by heart.